Hungry for more newsletter header image

Don't leave your customers unsatiated

The world of vending has continuously been evolving over the years, bringing more and more options to its users…we have come a long way from vending simple products like eggs, milk and water. In today’s fast-paced world we are finding the need to have products readily available at any time of the day or night.
In a world where delayed gratification is a thing of the past and immediacy is key; the opportunity for vending whatever we can imagine is growing.

From cupcakes to burritos, cars & bicycles, umbrellas, flip flops or even wigs for your pets!….there is a demand for anything and everything.
Capsule vending machine containing wigs for dogs
Photo strip displaying alternative vending ideas
So whether your customers are craving food or drink late at night, in desperate need of some new equipment or they just think their dog would look amazing with an afro! Westomatic Vending Services can offer you the means to keep your customers needs fully satisfied. 
Image strip showing sections of snack and food machines

The Office 
Aside from the need for a snack or beverage, offices and universities are now offering stationery or computer peripherals to their office workers and students. Eliminating the waste of precious time waiting for their ever busy IT department to issue them with a replacement mouse or monitor cable, office workers and students can now simply vend the equipment they need. 

Facebook vending machine with electrical equipment inside
Facebook vending machine with electrical equipment inside
Offer a Service
The idea behind the image is simple……a bicycle stand situated next to a vending machine, offering bicycle repair items. This creative idea can be installed in a variety of places keeping up with the greener times and giving users no excuses not to ride to work.
Offer a Service
The idea behind the image is simple……a bicycle stand situated next to a vending machine, offering bicycle repair items. This creative idea can be installed in a variety of places keeping up with the greener times and giving users no excuses not to ride to work.
Ikea vending machine with spare parts inside
Vending machine with flip flops inside

Long delays mean sometimes you have to think on your feet, especially if you have a young family in tow. Vending machines can be the answer to instant boredom busters, vending toys and colouring books etc to keep youngsters at bay.

Or maybe you just realised you forgot to bring your flip flops!

Westomatic have an extensive Snackpoint Range with multiple configuration options that can offer a solution to multiple vending ideas.

Banked Westomatic Snackpoint Range
Westomatic Elevate machine with logo with reusable bottles

Trendy Tapwater

Earlier this year a University in the Netherlands discovered that in 2018 the best selling items in their vending machines were bottles of still water. Having readily available tap water they announced they were no longer going to be offering this product and in February replaced them all with reusable bottles.
This led to lots of positive media coverage for them. A small action like this can have a huge impact, especially in a climate where ‘green’ changes are at the forefront of the media. There are now many fantastic initiatives in the world offering alternative schemes to single-use plastic.
Range of reusable bottles in Elevate machine

As shown in last week’s email:
The Elevate can dispense a wide variety of reusable bottles with ease

Community Fridge
An alternative to a community fridge could be a community vending machine. Our Easy 6000 with its multifunctional drums could be the perfect choice.

The Easy 6000 can be set to vend at particular times of day and, with its free vend option, it can be used just like a community fridge with the added bonus of being able to see all the products clearly inside the machine. 

Products inside will be kept fresher for longer with a built-in refrigeration unit and a fully integrated ventilation system. 

Chilled food and snacks from the Easy 6000

We have the machines, all you need are the ideas

2 comments on “Hungry for More”

  1. Paige Bland


    I wonder if you can help me. I have been asked to find a vending machine that supplies bike aids (such as tubes, repair kits, pumps etc.) and another for toiletries. Is this something you supply?

    Kind Regards,

    Paige Bland.

  2. Justin Sherratt

    I am looking to install a cycle spares vending machine into an office building in Birmingham

    DO you supply these ? HOw quickly can I get one ?

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